All You Wanted To Know About News


All You Wanted To Know About News

News is the word we use to inform ourselves of the happenings around us. It tells us about the latest developments. It is an important source of information that keeps you informed about the goings-on at home, in your work place, in the country and beyond. News is considered as the ‘in’ thing for people who like to keep up with the ‘changing times’. News comprises of all the significant events that influence our lives.

In journalism, news is related to news items on current affairs, programs, persons, or other topics. In journalism, news comprises of two or more related stories joined together in the course of conveying the news in a clear and concise manner. News is also a popular segment on TV news. In some countries, like the United States of America, news is considered as part of the major broadcast media along with news broadcasts on local radio stations.

Since newspapers play an important role in spreading news, many people prefer to read news through newspapers. There are many newspapers available in the market that provide news through different sections. Some popular newspapers include The New York Times, The Chicago Daily News, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe and The Sunday Times among many others. These newspapers provide comprehensive news and feature stories along with relevant information about various topics and regions.