How to See the Food Chain


How to See the Food Chain

Food is any material eaten to supply nutrition to the organisms. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has vital nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, or minerals, which are essential for a healthy body and provide energy. We obtain most of our nourishment from food; it is a very important part of our daily diet. We obtain nutrients from different food types, with the main groups being animal food (meat, milk, eggs), vegetable food (fruits, vegetables), and fungus food (yeast, mushroom).

To see food chain in a food is to see how many different species depend on it for survival. When we eat food, the enzymes in the food to break it down so that we can absorb its nutrients in our body. The food chain also refers to the way in which different animals and plants differ in their ability to produce food and how much food they can eat in one day. Plants usually have a closed food chain, while animals have an open food chain.

A well-balanced diet provides the right proportion of nutrients to our body’s cells and tissues for a long and healthy life. Although there is no absolute definition of a balanced diet, most experts agree that a diet should be one that provides good intake of carbohydrates, some essential fats, minerals, and some amount of dietary fibre. Some foods are beneficial to the immune system, like wheat berries, spices and herbs like turmeric and ginger, while other foods inhibit the immune system by increasing the risk of cancer, like junk food and fried foods. Green and leafy vegetables are recommended for improving the immune system and thus promoting good health.