What Are The Symptoms Of covid-19?


What Are The Symptoms Of covid-19?

COPV-19, short for complete cellular transcript virus nineteen is caused primarily by a coronavirus called SARS -Sarcoptes scabei the virus that causes the common cold. Those who have chronic lung or heart disease or those who have diabetes seem to be in higher risk for contracting more serious complications form COPV 19. This virus invades the immune system and causes cells to attack healthy tissue. Some of these cells attack the lungs, causing it to become enlarged and inflamed, and in severe cases can cause coughing fits which may cause death. The major complication associated with this condition is respiratory failure, which leads to death.

A large proportion of sufferers only contract minor symptoms with the virus, making them unaware that they have contracted the disease. Although the symptoms are often non-specific, and can include fever, chills, and sore throat, some of them may exhibit a more severe respiratory illness such as chronic bronchitis. Many of these sufferers may not even realize that they have contracted covid-19, believing that they are simply experiencing a sore throat or a cough. On diagnosis however, it is often discovered that they have a more serious condition such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema or other respiratory illness.

It has been shown that anyone who contracts a high strain virus such as covid-19 will at sometime experience at least one or two of the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, loss of energy, loss of weight, swollen lymph nodes in or around the neck, sore throat, generalized fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, diarrhea, swollen glands, body aches, fatigue and headaches. If any of these symptoms occur on an ongoing basis, it is advisable to seek medical advice as it could be a symptom of a more serious condition. It is also important to note that although the above list is a generalisation of the most common symptoms of this disease, other symptoms may occur such as shortness of breath or excessive fatigue. covid-19 patients should always seek medical attention as untreated pneumonia or other complications can result from untreated covid-19.