What Is The Contagiousness Level Of covid-19?


What Is The Contagiousness Level Of covid-19?

The disease is caused by a strain of a group of viruses called enteroviruses. Symptoms usually occur on first day of exposure to the disease, usually around the time of respiratory onset. Around 90% of patients develop mild or moderate symptoms over a fourteen-day period. The majority of patients with CO VID-19 have no symptoms.

A few patients, usually elderly people with underlying weak immune systems, may not exhibit any symptoms at all. Some people with chronic illnesses may not show any signs or symptoms at all. Viral meningitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the meninges (the coverings of the brain and spinal cord). Meningitis is classified as an acute or chronic condition depending on whether the disease is acute or chronic. The symptoms of covid-19 may vary in intensity from mild to severe.

There is no current treatment for this disease. To prevent the illness from spreading to others, the use of gloves and goggles is recommended. Anyone exposed to this virus should be quarantined until the disease has been controlled. People who work in healthcare settings, schools, or children’s hospitals are at higher risk for catching covid-19. Anyone who has recently traveled to an area with higher than normal viral contamination should also be vaccinated against Colds.