How Does a C covid-19 Cure A Cold Sore?

Covid-19 is an uncommon type of cold sore caused by a newly discovered virus. Like all cold sores, it is caused by a strain of the herpes simplex virus, Type One. The virus is carried by the same type of antibodies that cause the rash associated with shingles. However, instead of producing Type One antibodies, the carrier’s antibodies have been changed and have become what is known as Type Two, instead of Type One.


COVID-19 is an uncommon cold sore caused by a newly discovered strain of the simplex virus that appears in China in December each year. Since the virus is carried by the same antibodies that cause the common rash associated with shingles, researchers have learned that the virus spreads by droplets released from the nose. The virus most often spreads in the nose by sneezing or coughing, and it may be picked up along the route of the respiratory infection from another part of the body. The first signs of a covid-19 outbreak may appear a few days after the initial exposure, but they often occur weeks later, after a significant amount of time has passed since the initial exposure. Because the virus cannot be properly transmitted from person to person, outbreaks occur mostly in healthy children.

The symptoms of CO VID-19 are not very different from those of most other cold sores. A scab forms over the area of the skin exposed to the cold virus and crusts over a few days. Sometimes, the scab does not completely heal and a red, irritated rash appears. The most common symptoms include fever, headaches, aching pain, swollen glands in the neck and face, yellowish or brown discharge from the nose, and sometimes crusting over or bleeding from the eyes. Children who have had this type of virus may appear depressed and ill, but they generally recover quickly.